Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday School: 2/24/13

God's provision, Obedience

Angela Zoltek will lead the opening music

Have the kids look through old magazines to find pictures of food and things to eat. They are to work as a team to make a complete meal: meat, vegetables, dessert, drink, etc. Cut the appropriate pictures out and tape  them to the chalk board to make a meal collage.

Our story today is about a prophet named Elijah. Prophets were very important. The people were able to hear the Word of God and feel His love though a prophet. Elijah lived during a time when there were kings ruling over Israel. But the king at this time, named Ahab, was a really bad king. He did more evil than any of the kings before him. He even worshiped an idol. Ahab believed his idol could produce rain. God was very, very angry. So to show Ahab how wrong he was, God decided to stop the rain and dry up the land until He said it could rain again. He also sent Elijah away, so the people wouldn't even have their beloved prophet. They would be cut off from God. Our story begins with Elijah telling the wicked king what was going to happen. 

1 Kings 17:1-15

Discussion Questions:
1. Did God stop the rain because Ahab was good or evil? (Evil.)

2. Did God send Elijah away? (Yes.)

3. How did Elijah find food to eat? (God sent ravens with bread and meat.)

4. When the Ravens stopped bringing food where did God tell Elijah to go? (To a widow in Zaraphath)

5. When Elijah told the widow that if she made him some food she and her son would never go hungry, did she believe him? (YES)

6. Who else should believe and obey God? (Ahab, you, me, everyone should.)

Activity: Miracle Food Drop
Print one provision card sheet for every two children you expect to attend class. This works best if printed on medium or heavy card stock. Cut out each card before class. 

What you will do:
First, have the children form pairs. Then choose one to be the raven and the other to be Elijah. For example, you can start by having the oldest, or the tallest, or the one with the longest hair of each pair be the raven first. Each child will have a chance to be the raven. Give the ravens three meat cards and three bread cards. They will stand up tall (older children can stand on a chair) and drop the cards one by one. Their partner will sit on the floor, and try to catch each card before it hits the floor. Whoever catches the most cards earns a cheer from the rest of the class. Then, have the partners switch roles and play again. For more organized play, you can tell the children not to drop the cards until each time you say, "Let go!"

What you will say:
A long time ago, God spoke to a prophet named Elijah and told him to go to a brook where the ravens would feed him. In this game, we will pretend ravens are dropping bread and meat from the air as they fly by. Remember, they are wild birds so they are still afraid of people, but they must do as God commanded them.

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK: hors d'oeuvre type snacks made with bread or cracker and meat. 


Elijah Coloring Page

The children learn the Lord's prayer


Click HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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