In this lesson about the battle of Jericho, children will find out that Jesus was a young person once too.
Angela Zoltek will lead the opening music
The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Luke 2:41-52
Jesus was only 12 years old when he went with His parents to Jerusalem. After a few days stay Mary and Joseph started on their way back home. They thought that Jesus was with them walking with their friends and family somewhere in the group. They traveled an entire day and when Mary and Joseph couldn't find Jesus in the group they headed back to Jerusalem to find Him. It took them three whole days to find him in the Temple. He was with the religious teachers. Mary asked, "Son, why did you do this? We have been so very worried." But Jesus said, "You should have known I must be where my Father's work is." Then Jesus went home with His parents and did everything they told Him to do.
Jesus was only 12 years old when he went with His parents to Jerusalem. After a few days stay Mary and Joseph started on their way back home. They thought that Jesus was with them walking with their friends and family somewhere in the group. They traveled an entire day and when Mary and Joseph couldn't find Jesus in the group they headed back to Jerusalem to find Him. It took them three whole days to find him in the Temple. He was with the religious teachers. Mary asked, "Son, why did you do this? We have been so very worried." But Jesus said, "You should have known I must be where my Father's work is." Then Jesus went home with His parents and did everything they told Him to do.
Discussion Questions
The Where's Jesus Game:

The children learn the Lord's prayer
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