Friday, February 28, 2014

Sunday School: 3/2

Moses and the Golden Calf

In this lesson, children will learn to be patient with God.  They will also learn that they can trust God to honor His promises. 

Angela Zoltek will lead the opening music

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Exodus 32God told Moses to come up the mountain so He could give him His Ten Laws. But Moses was away for a long, long time- forty days! He was gone so long, the people thought he was never going to come back. So they begged Moses' brother, Aaron, to make an idol- a false god who would take them back to Egypt. Aaron gathered gold jewelry from the people, melted it down and formed it into the shape of a calf. When the people saw the golden calf they were glad and began to worship it. God saw what the people were doing and he became very angry. He sent Moses down the mountain to the people. When Moses saw them he was very angry too. He melted the golden calf, crushed the gold into powder and poured it into the water. Then Moses them made the people drink the water filled with the gold. God was showing His people He is the only real God. He also wants you to worship and trust only Him.

Discussion Questions
1. How long was Moses on the mountain with God? (40 days.)
2. When the people lost patience with Moses what did they ask Aaron to do? (Make an idol)
3. How did they make this idol? (Aaron threw all of their gold into a fire.)
4. What was this idol? (A golden calf)
5. What did Moses do with the Ten Commandments when he learned that they had made the golden calf? (Smashed the Ten Commandments and melted the golden calf.)

Before the start of class, erect a tent within the class room.  When the children arrive tell them that they are not allowed in the tent yet.  Be patient.  As the class goes on, toss candy into tent.  Let the children see you doing it.  Continue to tell them to be patient.  When the time is right, allow the kids to enter the tent, and celebrate their patience.  Discuss the importance of patience.  
The children learn the Lord's prayer

CLOSING SONG: I Get Down, He Lifts Me Up

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