Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sunday School: 9/30/12

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!

Play a game of Simon Says
Once the game is finished ask them if it would have been the same without rules. Would the game have been as interesting without rules? Explain that it is much the same in real life, rules and laws make life much better. Today's story is about how things get all messed up when God's rules are broken.

Read from Bible Stories for Kids by Paul Essex: Genesis 3:1-13 AND 3:14-24
Discussion Questions:
1. What was our story about today? (Adam and Eve breaking God's rule and the trouble they got into.)
2. God said that Adam and Eve could eat the fruit of all the trees but one. Which one was forbidden? (The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.)
3. Why do you think God made this rule? (To protect them from knowing about evil.)
4. What did God say would happen if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? (They would die.)
5. What happened when Adam and Eve disobeyed God? (God made them leave the beautiful garden, life got much harder and now people would die.)
6. What is another name for disobeying God's rules? (Sin.)

Have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches prepared for the day's snack.  Show the children the sandwiches and ask them, "Who likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"  (Everyone)  Next, show the children a worm on a plate, and ask, "Who would like to eat a worm?"  (No one)  Then, while the children are watching, take the worm and put it inside a PB&J sandwich, and ask, "Now, who would like to eat this PB&J sandwich?" (Ewwww)

Sin has the same effect on us. When God created us we were like the PB&J sandwich before the worm got in.  But, sin is like the worm.  Once it gets in, it ruins the whole sandwich.  God can not allow us into Heaven with sin inside of us.  The Good News is that God loves us so much that He sent Jesus into the world to forgive our sins.  Jesus wants to be our friend, our very special friend.  He dies and goes to Heaven for us, so that when we die we already have a friend there waiting who can forgive us and get rid of all the nasty worm-like sin.  Because of Jesus, we have a place in Heaven with God forever.  

SONG:  The Doxology
The children learn to sing the Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK:  Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

Before class cut out pictures or clip art that will relate to the classroom rules.
Prepare a poster-sized list of classroom rules that will be hung up in the room after the activity.
What you will do:
Explain to the children that you have made up a list of classroom rules.  Go over the list of rules with the class, and ask them to help you match a picture with each rule.  The pictures will help us to remember and understand the rules.  At the end, ask them for ideas about where this important list should be hung in the classroom.
Tell the boys and girls that God has a set of rules that people are to follow as well. When people follow God's rules the world is a much better place. When we don't follow God's rules, it's called sin.

Click HERE for an example.

Click HERE to view or download the activity.

The children learn the Lord's prayer

What is it called when God's rules are broken? (Sin)

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!

Click HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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