Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sunday School: 10/7/12

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It

Gather the children around in preparation for story time. Let the children know that the story you will be reading from the Bible is about two brothers, Cain and Abel. God loved them both, but he was not pleased with Cain because of what he did. What did Cain do that was so bad? Let's read and find out. 

Read from Bible Stories for Kids by Paul Essex: Genesis 4:1-16

Discussion Questions:
1. Abel was a shepherd, because he kept the flocks, do you remember what Cain did? (He worked the soil.)
2. Both boys brought some gifts to God. Who brought fat portions from the firstborn of his flock? (Abel.)
3. Was God pleased with both gifts? (No.)
4. We read that Abel brought good portions to God. What kind of portions do you think Cain brought to God?(Not so good.)
5. How did Cain feel when he saw that God favored his brother's gift more? (He became angry.)
6. Why is it important to give God your very best? (Allow for answers.) 
7. What are some ways to show that you are giving your best to God? (Allow for answers.)


Have apples placed on the table, making sure some look perfect, and the others look bruised or irregular but still ok to eat.  Have the children examine the apples and separate them into two piles, one being the best looking ones and the other those that do not look as good. As the children finish this project, ask them the following questions:
1. If you were to give one of these piles of apples to God, which one would you give?
2. Do you think God would be just as happy if you kept the good apples for yourself and gave him the pile of not so good apples?
3. Why do you think God wants the very best from us?

SONG:  The Doxology
The children learn to sing the Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK:  Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

Give the children one page to color first. Explain to the children that they are to color it as fast as they can, even if it is sloppy and not within the lines. You may want to tell them they only have 1 minute to complete the picture and give a count down as the time nears the end. Then, give them the second page, and instruct them to take their time and do their very best coloring this time.

After finished, ask the children which picture they think God would like best. Then ask them if they were to give one of them to God, which one would they give Him. Explain that we cannot always be perfect, but God wants us to do the best we can. He also wants us to worship Him and behave in a way that shows we are His children.

Have the children hand the picture they did their best at in the room.  

Click HERE for an example.

FUN ACTIVITY: Giving My Best
3 Sheets of paper, marked with the letters A,B, and C
Select three corners or sections of the room, and mark with one of the paper sheets displaying A,B,or C

Explain to the kids you will read several situations, and then give them the chance to run and gather under with A, B, or C to indicate their choice. You may need to do a couple of trial runs to get the activity started.  Next, read the following situations, and options. If the children feel the correct answer is A, they run to be in the A section, if B is the correct answer, they run to the B section, etc. Explain what the best choice would have been after everyone has moved to a section.
1. Your mom tells you it's time go to bed, do you:
     A.) Say, "Not now, I'm busy"     B.) Go right to bed      C.) Don't know what to do

2. You finish playing with your new toy, that has many pieces, do you:
     A.) Walk away and do something else      B.) Ask you older brother or sister to put it away for you
     C.) Put the toy away neatly before doing something else

3. You are visiting relatives and for dinner they give you something you don't like, do you:
    A.) Eat it anyway without complaining     B.) Stomp your foot down and push the plate away
    C.) Tell them you hate it and ask for something else

4. A friend comes over and wants the same toy you are playing with, do you:
    A.) Keep the toy for yourself     B.) Keep the toy and ask your friend to play together with you
    C.) Give the toy to your friend and pick something else

5. It's time to go to church, but you are not dressed, do you;
    A.) Hurry up and get dressed so no one is late     B.) Make up an excuse not to go to church this time
    C.) Not sure what you would do

6. You want to bring an offering to God next Sunday, do you:
    A.) Ask mom or dad for something to give     B.) Look for some extra coins laying around the house
    C.) Bring some of your allowance that you have earned 

The children learn the Lord's prayer

Does God ask us to be perfect?  (No)
God only asks us to offer our best.  

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It

Click  HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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