Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sunday School: 11/25/12

Pastor Rich is on vacation this week, and has asked Jean Emplit to sub for him, but she will need the assistance of as many parents as possible.  Please email Pastor Rich if you are available to help with this week's lesson.

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It

Today's story is about how God made a promise to Noah with the rainbow.  

Read from Bible Stories for Kids by Paul Essex: Genesis 8:20-9:17

Discussion Question:
What did Noah put in the sky as a sign of His promise to forgive his people, and protect them?  (Rainbow)

This game is basically "I SPY", but with a slight emphasis on the rainbow. 
One person says, "I spy a color of God's rainbow, and that color is ________________.  Then, one at a time, the children try to guess what the item is.  Take turns until all the colors of the rainbow are identified in the room, or until all the kids have had a turn.  

NEW SONG:  Noah Sailed 
Sung to:  Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Noah sailed the ark,
Out into the storm,
Rain was falling all around
But, they were safe and warm.

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK:  Animal Crackers & Juice

Click HERE to download and print the coloring page. 

DOVE GAME (optional)
Make a small "olive branch" from arts and crafts materials available in the cabinet prior to starting this game.
Have the children pretend that they are the dove that Noah sent out to look for dry land.
Show the children the olive branch you made and tell them that they are to pretend that they are the dove that Noah sent out to look for dry land. Tell them that they need to tuck their hands up next to their shoulders and flap their arms as if they are wings. Ask the children to close their eyes while you set the branch out somewhere in the room. The first time hide the branch somewhere that they will not be able to find it. Tell the children to open their eyes, Noah is opening the window and has asked the dove to go find a sign of dry land. Can they find the small leafy branch? 

After they have flown around the room for several minutes tell them that their wings are getting tired and that they have to return to the Ark. Let them rest for a moment and then get ready to send them out again. Ask the children to close their eyes while you set the branch out somewhere in the room. This time hide the branch somewhere that they will be sure to find it. Tell the children to open their eyes, Noah is opening the window for the second time and has asked the dove to go find a sign of dry land. Can they find the small leafy branch?

The children learn the Lord's prayer

God saved Noah from what?   (flood, storm)
Why did God save Noah?  (He was faithful)
God set what in the sky to promise to frogive us and protect us?  (Rainbow)
Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It

FOR NEXT WEEK:  The kids and parents will practice for the Christmas Pageant.  

Click  HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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