Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sunday School: 12/9/12

Practice "Angels We Have Heard On High" for Christmas

A long time ago, about 2,000 years ago a man called Caesar Augustus was in charge. He wanted to know how many people he ruled over, so he made everyone go to their hometown to be counted.This was called a census. So, a man named Joseph took his wife, who was going to have a baby, to his hometown of Bethlehem to be counted. They traveled for a long time, over many days. When they finally arrived they ran into a big problem. Let's read our story and find out what it was.

Read from Bible Stories for Kids by Paul Essex: The Story of Christmas: Luke 2:1-20

Discussion Question:
1. Joseph went to Bethlehem to be counted because he belonged to the house of David. How many people do you think belonged to David's house? (Very many.) 
2. Because Joseph's wife Mary was going to have a baby, how many would there be in his family? (Three.) 
3. Was there any room left at the inn when they arrived? (No.)
4. When Jesus was born, where did Mary place Him? (In a manger.) 
5. Do you know what a manger is? (A feeding trough for the animals.) 
6. Who visited Jesus after He was born? (Shepherds.)
7. How did the shepherds find out where the baby Jesus was? (Angels told them.)
8. What special kind of things do you do on Jesus' birthday? (Allow for answers.)

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK:  Christmas Cookies and Milk

Materials:  Census Wand for each child made from:
  Wooden sticks, cut out of Holy Family, markers, tape, various decorations

1st. The children will color a picture of Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem
Click Here to download this coloring page.

2nd. The kids will create their Census Wand by attaching their picture to the end of a stick with their name written on it.  

3rd.  The kids will decorate their Census Wand.

Next, the kids will play a game called STAND UP AND BE COUNTED

Clear the room of chairs and tables. Give each student a wand and have the children stand in the middle of the room. Make sure there is ample space between each child. Have other adults help supervise for safety. Then have the children lay their wand on the floor in front of them as they stand behind it.

Have the children join you in singing these simple verses as they count up to ten. When they reach ten, they will pick up their wand and wave it around in excitement as they shout out their name.

Counting Song
"One, two, stomp your shoes"
Three, four, drop to the floor"
"Five, six, pick up your stick"
"Seven, eight, stand up straight"
"Nine, Ten, wave your wand and shout your name!"

The children learn the Lord's prayer

Joseph and Mary went to________________?   (Bethlehem)
They went because there was a________________?  (Census)
When they go there, Baby Jesus was born in a  ____________?  (Manger)

FOR NEXT WEEK:  The kids and parents will practice for the Christmas Pageant.  

Click  HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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