Friday, January 11, 2013

Sunday School: 1/13/13

Part 1: The Baby in the Basket

Itty Bitty Moses (Sung to the tume of Itsy Bitsy Spider) 
Teach the kids to sing the refrain.  
Itty bitty Moses was crying in his room,
Then came his mommy and sang a little tune.
Hush little baby, the Lord will be your guide,
No one will ever harm you,
for God is by your side.

Into a tiny basket, the baby Moses went,
Placed into the Nile, and to the palace sent.
Hush little baby, the Lord will be your guide,
No one will ever harm you,
for God is by your side.

Lovely Pharaoh's daughter saw Moses in the Nile,
Picked him up and loved him, raised him as her child.
Hush little baby, the Lord will be your guide,
No one will ever harm you,
for God is by your side.

Exodus 2:1-10
God's people were living in Egypt.  A new pharaoh (king) came to rule Egypt.  He didn't like God's people.  So, he made them his slaves.  As slaves he made them do very hard work, and they were not treated nicely.  Still, God's people grew in numbers.  This made the pharaoh even angrier.  So, he decided to kill all the Jewish children.  This was awful.  Moses' mother, wanting to save her baby and trusting in God's to answer her prayers, placed baby Moses in a basket and floated it down the river.  The baby was found by one of Pharaoh's princesses.  She took Moses into her home and raised him as her own.  Moses was born a slave, but was raised as a prince of Egypt.  He would later come to know this was part of God's plan and his destiny. 

Video:  Opening Scene from The Prince of Egypt

Discussion Question:
1. God's people were in _________________ .(Egypt.)

2. Who did not like God's people? (Pharaoh)

3.  What did pharaoh make God's people do? (slavery, hard work, make bricks)

4. Moses' mother placed him in a _______________.  (basket)

5.  Who found baby Moses in his basket? (princess)

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK: Ingredients:  Bite-size nacho baskets, Sour cream, black olives.
Using the olive as baby Moses, and the sour cream as a blanket, the kids can make tasty Moses baskets.

The children learn the Lord's prayer


God's people were in _________________ .(Egypt.)
Who did not like God's people? (Pharaoh)
What did pharaoh make God's people do? (slavery, hard work, make bricks)
Moses' mother placed him in a _______________.  (basket)
Who found baby Moses in his basket? (princess)

Click  HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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