Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sunday School: 1/27/13

Manna In The Wilderness

This Little Light of Mine
New Song:  Picking Up Manna, sung to the tune of The Paw Paw Patch
Picking up manna, put it in our basket, 
Picking up manna, put it in our basket, 
Picking up manna, put it in our basket, 
As we wander in the wilderness. 

Picking up quail, cook them in a clay pot, 
Picking up quail, cook them in a clay pot, 
Picking up quail, cook them in a clay pot, 
As we wander in the wilderness. 

God is good and He will provide, 
God is good and He will provide, 
God is good and He will provide, 
As we wander in the wilderness.

Exodus 16:1-18,31 (Manna & Quail)
 The “Wilderness of Sin” as in the King James Version, also translated into the “Desert of Sin” was an area near Sinai, where there was great lack of food and other provisions. This allowed the greatness of God to show.) 

Shortly after Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they came to the wilderness of sin. They ran out of the food they brought with them, and they were hungry. The place they were was a desert, and there was very little food available. Plants were scarce, so were any animals. The people thought they were starving to death. Let’s read our story, and find out what happened. 

Discussion Question:
1. Did the Lord hear the people rejoice or grumble when they found no food to eat? (Grumble.)
2. Was it okay for them to grumble? Why or why not? (No, because it showed they were ungrateful and did not trust God.)
3. God knew the people needed to eat, so did He provide bread or meat? (Both.)
4. Where did the bread and meat come from? (It rained down from Heaven.)
5. What did the Israelites call the bread that rained down from heaven? ( Manna – see verse 31.)
6. What kind of meat did God provide? (Quail-a small spotted bird similar to a partridge - probably tasted like chicken.)
7. What does the Bible say manna tasted like? (Wafers made with honey.)
8. After gathering the manna, did some people have too little, and others have too much? (No, everyone had just enough for what they needed.)

Activity:  Gathering Manna & Quail
Before class, print and cut out the manna and quail cards. You want to have at least 3 or 4 of each for the number of children you expect to have in your class. Using medium to heavy cards stock provides cards that are more durable, and that can be reused. 

What you will do:
Spread (toss) the cards all around the room. It's okay if some are face up and other face down. Then, when you say "GO," the children will quickly gather the manna and quail cards as follows: 

For younger children, toddlers, etc. you can simply have them gather all the cards they can, then put them into two piles on the table, a manna pile and a quail pile. Then play again to see if they can do it faster.

For older preschoolers and up to fist grade, have them do a little counting as they gather the cards.

The first time, have them gather 1 manna card for every quail card they find. If they can't find a match, they must drop the card back on the floor. For example they can have 3 of each, but if they find 4 manna cards and only 3 quail cards, they must discard 1 manna card.

Then collect all the cards and spread them around the room again.

The second time, have them gather 2 manna cards for every 1 quail card they find. So to keep 3 manna cards, they must have 3 quail cards, etc.

Depending on the abilities of the children, and the amount of time you have, you can have them gather other combinations, such as 3 manna cards for each quail card, 4 for 1, etc. 

What you will say:
Start by explaining to the children how after the Israelites escaped from Egypt, they came to a desert area, also known as the wilderness of sin. The problem was the people were hungry, but they had no more food. So God provided a miracle. He rained down manna and quail for the people to eat. Manna was like honey coated wafers, and the quail probably tasted like chicken. We are going to pretend that we are picking up manna and quail. However, we must make sure that everyone has enough so we must gather them in a certain way.

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK: Chicken Salad on Crackers

ACTIVITY:  Favorite Foods
First, have the children circle their favorite food shown, and then put a square around their least favorite. Then give them time to color all of the pictures.

After everyone is finished gather the children for discussion.

All of the foods we just colored are delicious, aren’t they? 
I know everyone likes some foods better than others, so isn’t it great to have such a variety of things to eat?

Do you know who actually provides all the things we enjoy eating? (God)

Ask the following questions to each child individually.
1. What is the favorite food that you circled?
2. Which one did you put a square around?
3. How would you feel if you could no longer eat __________?
4. Who do you want to thank for providing your favorite food to eat?

God is so good to us. Not only does He provide food so we can live, He also provides many different kinds of foods to enjoy. God always knows what we need, so we need to be thankful for all of the things God provides. 

1. Pharaoh let God's people go, why did he change his mind. (God's people were doing all of the work for Pharaoh. If they left, no one would do all the work.)
2. When the Israelites saw Pharaoh's army chasing them what did they do? (They were very frightened and cried out to God) 
3. What did Moses tell the people? (Not to be afraid, God would fight for them.)
4. What did God do when Moses stretched out his hand over the sea? God parted the water so that the Israelites could walk across the sea on dry ground. 
5. Did Pharaoh's army continue to chase God's people? (Yes) 
6. What happened to Pharaoh's army? (The walls of water flowed back together and drowned the army.)

The children learn the Lord's prayer


Click  HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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