Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sunday School: 4/7/13

Where Did Jesus Go?
The Easter Story

Easter, Heaven
Children will learn that Jesus was raised to life. After Jesus was raised from the dead, He went to prepare a place for us, so we can be with Him in Heaven. 

Angela Zoltek will lead the opening music

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." John 14:2
Begin by asking the children how many rooms they believe there are in the largest hotel in the world. Then repeat this verse several times, and have the children memorize the last part, "I am going there to prepare a place for you." Ask the children who said these words (Jesus). Then ask them how many rooms they believe there will be in Heaven and how this makes them feel.

After Jesus was placed into the tomb, some of His disciples came to visit Him. They wanted to put spices on His body. But when they reached the tomb, they were surprised to find Jesus missing. As we read our story from the Bible today, see if you can tell where Jesus went, and where he was going later.

Discussion Questions:
1. Did Mary go early in the morning or late at night to the tomb? (Early in the morning.)

2. How did the disciples roll away the stone after they arrived at the tomb? (The stone was already rolled away.)

3. Was Jesus still in the tomb? (No.)

4. What did Jesus tell Mary to do after she saw him? (Go, and tell the others.)

5. Where did Jesus say he was going after he met with the disciples? (To Heaven, to prepare a place for us.)

SNACK: Easter candy, cookies and treats.  It's never too late to celebrate Easter.  :-) 

Explain to the children that Jesus knew that it might be hard for the disciples to remember Him and His teachings, once He went back to Heaven. During the Last Supper, Jesus broke bread and after saying a prayer, gave some to His disciples to eat. Then, He poured wine into a cup, and after saying a prayer, gave it to His disciples to drink. Then Jesus told His disciples to remember Him whenever they ate bread and drank from the cup in this manner.

In our activity today, you will see that sometimes it can be hard to remember many things at one time, unless we concentrate. I will place some objects in a row and we will name them one by one. Once we have gone over the list a couple times, I will pick up the objects, and then ask you to help me place them back in the right order.
Explain to the kids that it may be hard to remember random objects, but it is easier if we remember the objects as part of a story. For example, the stuffed animal pushed the toy car past the block right into the dinosaur.

When Jesus gave His disciples the bread and wine, He was helping them remember who He was and what He had taught them.

Use one of the doors to our Sunday School as the opening to the tomb.  Tell the kids to imagine the door as the tomb entrance.  Select one child to play as Jesus and the others will be the disciples.  Begin the mini-play at the cross, where Jesus dies.  Have the children act out taking Jesus to the tomb, and rolling the stone in front (closing the door).  Have a helper in the hallway with Jesus.  Gather the kids together in the corner with their backs facing the tomb.  Have someone open the door.  Select one child to be Mary, and have strips of cloth lying where Jesus was placed.  Have Mary run back to tell the others, and guide the others to the tomb.  When they get there and discover that the tomb was opened and that Jesus is gone, have Jesus reappear by way of the other door.  

What you will say:
After Jesus died on the cross, His beloved friends put him into a tomb. A few days latter, when Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James visited the tomb they saw something, but not Jesus. What did they see? Where did Jesus go? Let's find out what Mary found inside. 

Coloring Activity
The children learn the Lord's prayer


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