Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sunday School: 11/3/13

Joshua and the Wall of Jericho

In this lesson about the battle of Jericho, children learn that even their biggest problems crumble when they put their faith in God.

Angela Zoltek will lead the opening music

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Joshua 6"1-16,20
Joshua and the Israelites had just crossed the Jordan River and entered the land God had promised to give them. Shortly after crossing the Jordan River, God's people came upon the city of Jericho. A big wall surrounded the city. Should the people believe God and have faith that He was going to give them the land He promised, or should they turn around and go back into the desert? Let's open our Bibles and see what God's people decided to do.

Discussion Questions:1. What did God tell the people to do? (March around Jericho.)
2. What kind of trumpets did the priests carry? (The trumpets were made from ram's horns.)
3. How many days did God tell His people to march around Jericho? (Seven days.)
4. What did the priests do as they marched around Jericho? (The priests blew their trumpets.)
5. Did the rest of the people make any noise when they marched around the city the first six times? (No, Joshua commanded them to be quiet until he told them to shout.)
6. On the seventh day, how many times did the people march around Jericho? (Seven times.)
7. What did Joshua tell the people to do when they heard the trumpets, after marching around the city seven times?(Give a loud shout.)
8. What happened to the wall of Jericho when the people gave a loud shout? (The wall fell down.)

The Quiet Game:
WHAT YOU WILL DO:Tell the children that we are going to play the quiet game.  In this game the one who keeps quiet the longest wins.  Once you begin, then make all sorts of funny faces or create distractions to try and cause the kids to talk.
WHAT YOU WILL SAY: Playing the quiet game takes patience and a special kind of strength.  This is called faith.  The Israelites needed this kind of strength to trust in God's way of bringing down the walls of Jericho.

Fall of Jericho (Coloring Page):

Special Song: Jericho's Walls
Sung to the tune of London Bridges Falling Down

Jerico's walls are big and tall,
Big and tall, big and tall,
Jerico's walls are big and tall.
God Will Provide!

God told Joshua what to do,
What to do, what to do
God told Joshua what to do.
God Will Provide!

Joshua had the people march,
people march, people march,
Joshua had the people march.
God Will Provide!

Jericho's walls are falling down,
falling down, falling down,
Jericho's walls are falling down.
God Will Provide!

The children learn the Lord's prayer


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