Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sunday School: 11/11/12

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It
Angels We Have Heard on High
Away In A Manger
Today's story is about how God protected Noah and the animals from the flood.  

Read from Bible Stories for Kids by Paul Essex: Genesis 7:11-24 & Genesis 8:1-19

Discussion Questions:
1. In our story today how long did it rain? (Forty days and forty nights.)
2. Who shut the Ark's door once Noah, his family and all the animals where inside the Ark? (God.)
3. How deep was the flood? Did it cover the mountains? (Yes, it was very deep, it even covered the mountains.)
4. Once it stopped raining what types of birds did Noah send out? (A raven and a dove.)
5 . The dove came back the first time because it couldn't find dry ground. Noah waited seven days and sent the dove out again. What did the Dove bring back? (A fresh olive branch.)
6. What did Noah do once the flood waters receded and the Ark rested on dry ground? (Noah let all the animals out of the ark.)
NEW SONG:  Noah Sailed 
Sung to:  Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Noah sailed the ark,
Out into the storm,
Rain was falling all around
But, they were safe and warm.

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK:  Animal Crackers

1.  Fill a 16oz. bottle nearly full with water.
2.  Add a squirt or two of liquid soap.
3.  Add a Noah's ark bauble to the bottle, (or glitter or anything else you want to add in order to see the swirl more clearly.)
4.  Replace the cap and tighten. 
5.  Shake up the soap until the remaining air at the top is filled with suds.
6.  Turn the bottle upside down and wait for the bubbles to rise to the top.
7.  With bottle upside down and suds at the top, swirl the bottle in a circular motion.  Soon you will see the tornado form and the baubles inside taken up into the mini storm.  

The kids can swirl and shake the bottle and imagine the way the storm might have tossed and turned Noah's Ark.  
Even though the ark would have gone through a very rough storm, God's chosen people and animals were still safe inside the ark.  God saved Noah because he was faithful.  

The children learn the Lord's prayer

God saved Noah from what?   (flood, storm)
Why did God save Noah?  (He was faithful) 
Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It
Angels We Have Heard On High
Away In A Manger

FOR NEXT WEEK:  The kids and parents will practice for the Christmas Pageant.  

Click  HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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