Friday, November 2, 2012

Sunday School: 11/4/12

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It
Angels We Have Heard on High

Today's story is about a man who obeyed God even when everyone else didn't.  His name was Noah.

Read from Bible Stories for Kids by Paul Essex: Genesis 6:9-7:10

Discussion Questions:
1. In our story today who was following God? (Noah.)

2. What did God tell Noah to build? (An Ark.)

3. What is an Ark? (A boat that was very big.)

4. Why did God tell Noah to build the Ark? (God was going to cause a flood of water to cover the earth.)

What you will do:
First, assign the children to be dogs, cats and ducks.

Explain to the them that they are dogs, cats, or ducks. Dogs bark and beg (arms raised and hands pointing down as if begging for food.) Cats meow and pretend to lick their paws (hands), and ducks quack and waddle (bending down with hands touching shoulders like wings.) Then give the instructions below.
When you give the commands preceded with “Noah says”:

Noah says "bark"
Noah says "meow"
Noah says "quack"
Noah says "beg"
Noah says "lick"
Noah says "waddle"
Noah says "be still"
all creatures bark
all creatures meow
all creatures quack
all creatures beg
all creatures lick
all creatures waddle
all creatures stop
When you give the commands without saying Noah says first:
"Be still"
only dogs bark
only cats meow
only ducks quack
only dogs beg
only cats lick
only ducks waddle
animals keep doing what they are doing
What you will say:
Compare this game to our need to follow God in everything we do. When we follow Him, not only do we have fun, but we also please Him. As the animals followed Noah into the ark to be safe from the flood, God gives us His protection when we follow Him and trust Him with our lives.

SONG:  The Doxology

The children learn to sing the Doxology

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

SNACK:  Animal Crackers

Tell the children that they are going to help Noah pair up the animals by drawing different colored lines connecting animals that look the same. Pair up the giraffes using a red crayon. Pair up the turtles using a blue crayon. Pair up the lions using a green crayon. Pair the monkeys up using an orange crayon and finally pair up the hippos using a purple crayon.
As the children are working on their activity sheets ask them questions about Noah and the animals.
1) Where did Noah get the instructions on how to build the Ark?
2) Was it a big job or a little job to build the Ark?
3) Do you think Noah or any of the animals were scared of the upcoming flood?
4) Do you think Noah, his family and all the animals were calm because they knew God would take care of them?
5) Today, we read a story about how God protected Noah many years ago. Does God still protect us today?

Click HERE to download the activity.

Click HERE to download the activity.

The children learn the Lord's prayer

Noah was asked to obey God.   What did he do?  (obey)
We are asked to obey God.  What should we do?  
Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory!
If You're Happy And You Know It
Angels We Have Heard On High

Click  HERE to view or download the Take Home Sheet

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