The Good Samaritan
This lesson will help the children discover that Jesus wants us to comfort those who are in need of help.
Angela Zoltek will lead the opening music
The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Luke 10:25-37
Discussion Questions:
Jesus told this story: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, but along the way he fell into the hands of a robber. They beat him up, tore off his clothes and left him to die. Two religious men walked by but neither of them stopped to help the hurt man- even though he was a Jew like them. Then a Samaritan man came by. The Jews didn't like Samaritans, but the Samaritan felt sorry for him and stopped to help. He bandaged his wounds and even put him on his own donkey and took him to an inn where he gave the innkeeper two silver coins to take care of the man. Jesus is like that good Samaritan. He finds us beaten up by Satan and dying, then he feels sorry for us and stops to help. He forgives our sin, strengthens us and heals us by His Word and promises. Since Jesus saved us, we can be good neighbors too just as the Samaritan man was to the hurt man.
Discussion Questions:
1. How did Jesus say we are to love our neighbors? (Just as we love ourselves.)
2. In our story today, why did two of the people pass by the man in need? (They put their needs, before the needs of the injured man. They had a selfish heart.)
3. Why did the Samaritan man stop and take the time to help the man in need? (He had a kind heart and saw that the other man was hurt and needed help.)
4. If you were hurt and needed assistance, what type of person would you want to help you? (A person like the Good Samaritan.)
5. What type of person does Jesus want us to be? (Jesus wants us to be like the Good Samaritan. We should help our neighbors.)
What you will do:Make copies of MY HELPING HANDS
Have parents help the children trace their hands on "My Helping Hands" paper. Then, have the children color in their hands. After they are finished, help the children write their names on the line at the bottom promising to help others.
This week the snack itself isn't the message. So, whatever is provided will do just fine. This week we will put our helping to hands to work by allowing the kids to serve the snack to each other. Divide the group into two. The first group will serve the food, and the second group will serve the drink.
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