Friday, February 7, 2014

Sunday School: 2/9/14

Jonah and the BIG Fish

The children will understand why it is important to listen and follow directions.

Angela Zoltek will lead the opening music

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Jonah 1:1-3:10
God told Jonah to go preach in Nineveh. But Jonah didn't want to go. So, he ran away from God. He got on a ship going away from the place God told him to go. God caused a big storm on the sea. The ship was about to sink! The men on the boat discovered that the storm was Jonah's Fault. So, they threw Jonah into the sea.
Now, God sent a big fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah stayed in the belly of the fish for three days. Finally, God made the fish spit Jonah out on the dry ground. At last Jonah listened to God and went to Nineveh. It's always best to do what God says for He knows much better than we do!

Discussion Questions
1. Instead of obeying God, what did Jonah do? (He ran away and got on a ship sailing to Tarshish.)
2. How did the sailors find out the storm was because of Jonah? (They cast lots, then Jonah confessed.)
3. To save the ship from the storm, what did Jonah tell the sailors to do? (Throw him overboard into the sea.)
4. Do you think Jonah thought he would drown? Why didn't he? (God still wanted to use him: Jonah 3:1,2.)
5. What happened as soon as Jonah was thrown overboard? (The storm stopped and God had a big fish come and swallow Jonah.)
6. After being in the belly of a fish for three days, how do you think Jonah smelled? (Allow the children to offer their thoughts.)
7. Do you think Jonah listened to God the next time God told him to do something? (Yes.)

Jonah chose to dis-o-bey, dis-o-bey, dis-o-bey.
Jonah chose to dis-o-bey,
Oh, poor Jonah!

Jonah chose to run a-way, run a-way, run a-way.
Jonah chose to run a-way,
Oh, poor Jonah!

Jonah chose to board a ship, board a ship, board a ship.
Jonah chose to board a ship,
Oh, poor Jonah!

Jonah caused a big bad storm, big bad storm, big bad storm.
Jonah caused a big bad storm,
Oh, poor Jonah!

The sailors threw him overboard, overboard, overboard.
The sailors threw him overboard,
Oh, poor Jonah!

A big fish swallowed Jonah whole, Jonah whole, Jonah whole.
A big fish swallowed Jonah whole,
Oh, poor Jonah!

The kids will play musical chairs to the Jonah Song.


The children learn the Lord's prayer


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